ウノ オーバーシーズ – 目的を持った派遣

UNO OVERSEAS PLACEMENT Inc. は、日本、オーストラリア、マレーシア、クウェート、および世界の他の地域の雇用者と監理団体に、情報技術、工業、農業、航空、健康管理、建設、製造、およびその他の産業の領域のフィリピン人専門家と熟練労働者の能力と立証された才能と技能を利用することによる、優れたサービスを提供すべく努力を続けております。

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

‘My OFW husband came home a different man’

‘My OFW husband came home a different man’

Our hearts cry out for this woman, whose only fault was to love the man of her life- her husband.
It's true that OFW's are heroes of our nation because they bring in the much needed Dollars. But, are they also heroes to their own family and specially to their spouse?

We pray that this article will be a warning to our own interns and will serve as a reminder that they are the real heroes of their family. For after all, isn't that that the reason why we persevere?

Uno's interns are different. They have known the source of life and are committed to love Jesus Christ, who first loved us. They are therefore committed to be loyal and true to their own spouse while working abroad no matter what.


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